An excellent opportunity for every marketing student who wants to be the best and with great experience that enables him to enter the job market with ease. You will be guided throughout and developing a set of marketing tools to improve communications to showcase innovative host products and services. This is a very good opportunity to gain experience and demonstrate your professionalism and strong work ethic, which makes a great addition to your CV and boosts your chances of landing a job in a prominent place.
About ESPA
ESPA was launched by Madeline and Colin Blackburn. They wanted to provide quality work placements for international students. ESPA provides a minimum of six-month overseas employment opportunities for international undergraduate students in corporate and SME firms across the UK and Ireland.
Students bring language skills, culture, enthusiasm, and a willingness to work abroad and can undertake a wide range of assignments from translation and market research to direct activity in target export markets. A highly cost effective solution for existing exporters and exporters to gain market knowledge, search for target export markets, and approach prospects. Ideal for project-based work to prepare for entering the market.
Tasks during Internship
- Writing content for the website and social media on behalf of the Company.
- Development of the website.
- Regular articles on LinkedIn, Twitter and the website.
- Assisting with the writing of the newsletter for investors and stakeholders.
- Writing of non- confidential content to share with industrial partners.
- Research.
- Producing documents
-Taking photographs and videos of the Company and products, for example, for the news articles.
Finance and benefits
- Financial compensation
- Accommodation
- Transportation cost
- Be eligible to participate in the Erasmus+ programme.
- Have at least B2 level in English.
- Have a bachelor degree.
- Experience of working on websites and writing content.
- Strong communication skills written and oral.
A total of 6 months from 2/8/2021 to 2/2/2022
How to Apply ?
1- Register in ESPA Website from here
2- Login to your account in
3- Click on the button APPLY next to the vacancy name.
For further information check the official link from here