Training Course "Innovation Jam" in Kuusamo, Finland (Funded)

Open call for youth workers, trainers, educators, and youth coaches to join a 3-day training course "Innovation Jam - Tools and Spaces to Innovate in Youth work" in Kussamo, Finland from 15-19 January 2024. This project is organised and hosted by Finnish National Agency for Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps - EDUFI and co-funded by the European Union.

Erasmus+ Training Course "Innovation Jam" in Kussamo, Finland (Funded)

About the Training 

Innovation Jam is a 3-day training course for active youth workers to explore innovation tools and be ready to ignite innovation in their organisations and communities. Innovation processes have been studied and categorised in a number of professional fields over the past few decades. After learning this, youth workers can work with their young people and communities to support processes of participatory innovation and develop better solutions for regional and global issues.

The course will provide opportunities to explore: Future trends, Youth work challenges, Creative thinking techniques, Tools to innovate, and Funding Opportunities for innovation development.

Training Goals

- To understand the benefits of creative thinking leading to youth work innovation processes.

- To understand the importance of future signals and predictable trends relevant to Youth Work.

- To experience participatory innovation tools to increase the quality of youth work and generate social change.

- To improve one's readiness to use Erasmus+ funding opportunities to apply innovation tools in one's own youth work setting. 

Training Outcomes

A better understanding of trends and needs for innovation in youth work.

- Knowledge and skills in using new tools to innovate in youth work.

- Increased skills in reviewing existing youth work practices and creating innovation in youth work organisations.

Increased knowledge on using funding opportunities for innovation projects.


Aged over 18 years old.

- Resident in one of the Erasmus+ programme countries or partner countries neighbouring the EU.

- You are one a Youth worker, Trainer, Youth policymaker, People working directly with youth, Youth leaders, Youth project manager, volunteers, youth coaches.

- Have a good command of English language.

- Ability to attend all the period of the training.

Finance and Benefits

The project is financed by the participating National Agencies of the Erasmus+ programme

- There is participation fee varies from country to country, check your National Agency or SALTO Resource Centre to know about the amount of the Participation fee

Note: the Participation fee can be 0 EUR (like Belgium), or 75 EUR (like the Netherlands) or 100 EUR (like Germany).

The National Agency of Erasmus+ and ESC in Finland will cover the costs of accommodation, meals for the participants and costs related to the program of activities.

Most of the National agencies will reimburse the travel costs for the economy class tickets to the extend of 95% from the total amount of the tickets ( you need to check your National agency website about that as well).

Training Format

- Three full days of face-to-face learning experience.

- Onboarding online meeting with the participants’ group on the 13th of December 10:00 - 11:30 CET  

- Follow-up online meeting with the participants’ group on the 31st of January 10:00 to 11:30 CET

- Facilitated Open Online Innovation Jam, after the training course, for all of the participating organisations (optional, with the possibility to involve other colleagues) on the 16th of February from 10:00 to 12:30 CET


Application deadline: 15 November 2023

Selection result: 1 December 2023

Arrival day: 15 January 2024

Activity days: 16-18 January 2024

Departure days: 19 January 2024

How to apply

You can apply for this training via SALTO Online Application from HERE, but you should check with your National Agency before you apply

For more details, check the opportunity website from HERE

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