EESC Traineeships | Paid Internship in Brussels, Belgium

Are you are university graduate and still searching for the first-hand experience to start your professional career? Are you searching for paid internship in EU Agency ? if so, then this is an opportunity for you to apply for 5 months paid traineeship at The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels, Belgium.

EESC Traineeships | Paid Internship in Brussels, Belgium

About EESC

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is a consultative body of the European Union (EU) established in 1957 by the Treaty of Rome. Its primary role is to represent the economic and social partners within the EU's decision-making process. These partners include a wide range of civil society organisations, such as employers' associations, trade unions, professional groups, small businesses, farmers, consumers, environmentalists, and other interest groups.

About EESC Traineeships

The EESC arranges in-service training twice each year, with options for long-term sessions of five months and short-term sessions lasting one to three months. These training programs are designed with the following main goals:

-learn about the EESC's role and activities at inter-institutional level, as well as its relations with the EU Member States and non-Member States;

- acquire practical knowledge about how the EESC's various services operate;

- supplement and apply knowledge and skills acquired during their studies and/or work;

- gain experience in a multicultural, multilingual and multi-ethnic professional

environment, helping people develop understanding, confidence and mutual tolerance; and take part in a network of former trainees.

Eligibility | Who can apply?

Trainees are primarily selected from EU Member State nationals, but a limited number of non-EU nationals may also be accepted if Belgium's legal framework aligns with the EESC's rules and the applicant meets all legal requirements for work and/or residence permits in Belgium.

Applicants must have a thorough command of one EU language and a satisfactory command of another EU language, one of which must be English or French for operational reasons.

Applicants who receive an offer letter confirming their traineeship must provide evidence of their medical fitness to participate in the traineeship, along with a police record extract to demonstrate the good character required for performing their assigned tasks.

Long-term traineeships are primarily intended for recent university graduates.

- short-term traineeships are primarily intended for university students.

Expenses and Benefits

- Long-term trainees are entitled to receive a grant of 1.418,20 EUR per monthThe amount will remain unchanged until the end of the 2024 Autumn session (15/02/2025).

- Short-term trainees are entitled to receive a grant of receive a monthly grant that corresponds to 50% of the monthly amount granted to long-term trainees.

Long-term and short-term trainees shall be entitled to a mobility allowance as a contribution to the cost of local transport in Brussels.

Long-term and short-term trainees shall be entitled to a travel allowance based on the distance between their place of residence and Brussels, under certain conditions. 

Traineeship grants and other allowances are not subject to the special tax regulations applying to officials and servants of the European Union.

- All trainees are covered by the accident insurance proposed by the EES.

Application periods

for long-term trainees

- 1st  July - 30th September (Spring traineeship Feb-July)

- 3rd January - 31st March  (Autumn traineeship Sep-Feb)

for short-term trainees

Short-term traineeships may only start on the 1st or 16th of a given month, except July and August. There will be at least two months between the submission of an application and the start of the traineeship.

How to apply

Step 1: Make sure you carefully read the provisions regarding traineeships at the European Economic and Social Committee

Step 2: That you complete the on-line application form correctly.

Selection Process

- Selected participants will receive an email informing you about this and at that point you will be asked to upload copies of relevant documents (university diploma(s), and identity card or passport).

Candidates selected for a traineeship will at a later stage be asked to submit originals of an extract of the police record, as well as a medical certificate

More Details

For more details check the general information on traineeships in the European Economic and Social Committee at their website from HERE

By applying to this traineeship, you take responsibility and risks. Inform yourself about the regulation and potential risks. "Opportunity 4U" cannot be held liable for any of the potential risks, and this post is only for informative and popularising purposes.

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