MCW Young Leaders Fellowship 2025 in USA (Fully Funded)

An exciting opportunity for young leaders from all over the world who are interested in making a positive change in their society to apply for MCW Young Leaders Fellowship 2025 which includes a one-month intensive virtual program, 10 days in-person training in New York and 10 months virtual project implementation in your home country. This fellowship is organised and funded by MCW Global.

MCW Young Leaders Fellowship 2025 in USA (Fully Funded)

About MCW Global

MCW Global is a non-profit organization with a vision for communities around the world to achieve greater levels of education, improved health, and increased economic security.

About MCW Young Leaders Fellowship

The Young Leaders Fellowship Program is a unique leadership opportunity available to young people from all around the world between the ages of 18 and 26 who want to work on community projects related to economic security, health, and education. Through leadership development, global citizenship, self-awareness, and vision planning, the one-year program equips young people to become change agents in their communities.

Benefits of MCW Young Leaders Fellowship

Virtual | Community Needs Assessment (One Month): 

-The fellowship starts with an intensive community mapping and needs assessment.

- Young Leaders will be provided with the tools and knowledge to assess their community. This phase is conducted before the in-person training begins so that the young leaders would have a better knowledge of the requirements of the community.

In-Person Training | Vision Planning and Project Development (10 Days):

Participants come to the Fellowship in New York, USA with an idea of a community issue they want to address. Vision planning is the process of transforming passion into a concrete, tangible plan for change.

- Through the in-person training program, which includes diverse speakers, workshops, events, and facilitated group work, participants can put their local issues into a larger global context while understanding why they are uniquely positioned to change their community. Participants will also determine which tools and skills can be applied to an actionable plan.

Virtual | Project Implementation & Alumni Mentorship ( 10 Months):

- Young Leaders are matched with alumni mentors who will assist them in the in-person program in developing and carrying out their actionable goals. These mentors have successfully completed the Fellowship program after completing it.

- Alumni mentors provide participants with support throughout the year by organising quarterly "hangouts" and continual virtual communication.

- Prior to the start of the program, alumni mentors receive specialised training to foster cultural competency and team building among the varied group of Young Leaders.

Eligibility for MCW Young Leaders Fellowship

Young leaders must:

- Demonstrate commitment to their community;

- Identify an issue in their community in the areas of education, health, or economic security;

- Aged between 18-26 at the start of the program (June1, 2025);

- Be fluent in written and spoken English;

Commit to doing the Community Needs Assessment in June, attending the 10-day in-person program in July, and spending the following year aiming to execute their community project;

Have access to internet to check emails and allow for consistent communication with the MCW Global Team and Young Leaders Fellowship alumni-mentor for the duration of the year-long program;

- Follow the Young Leaders Fellowship graduation requirements (which will be sent to you upon acceptance into the program);

- Be eligible for appropriate visa and travel documentation.

Financial Support

- The 2025 Young Leaders Fellowship will take place in New York city, and Burlington city in Vermont, from 15-24 July, 2025. Accommodations will be provided by New York University in New York and Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont.

- Accepted participants will be asked to pay a 100 $ deposit fee by February 12, 2025. The deposit will be refund to the participants on July24, 2025. The deposit will sent back only after finishing the 10 days in-person training in USA.

- MCW will cover the cost of international economy flights for international participants.

- MCW will cover the cost of domestic economy flights for US participants.

- The housing will be ready to receive the participants from 14-24th of July 2025.

- MCW will provide participants with three meals per day from 15-24th of July 2025.

- MCW will provide all participants with Round Trip Travel from New York to Burlington, Vermont and Public Transportation to/from JFK, LaGuardia, and Newark Airports

- Passport fees, Visa fees, and in-country costs such as local transportation in your country will not be covered by MCW.

Application form & Required documents

- The application must be filled out in English. Any part or documents required in the application form must be written in English, any other languages will not be considered.

- The application includes:

1. General Information

2. Essay Questions
  • Identify an issue in your community that concerns you and How would you address this issue.
  • Describe one time you have faced a challenge and used a leadership skills to come up with a solution
3. Resume/ CV
  • Your resume should not be more than 1 page. It is better to be written in Times New Roman, 12 font, with 1-inch margins.
4. Two Letters of recommendations
  • Your letters should come from people who know your work ethic and commitment to your community. Friends and family members are discouraged from writing letters of recommendation.
  • Recommenders should state their name, position, contact info, and relationship to the applicant at the top of the letter.
5. Liability Waiver
  • At the end of the application, please review the terms and conditions

Timeline for MCW Young Leaders Fellowship

Application deadline: Sunday, 10 November, 2024 (11:59 PM) 

Shortlist candidates notified with the result: December 4, 2024

Second-Round Application Opens: December 4, 2024

Second-Round Application Closes: December 15, 2024

Interviews with Alumni: 13-22 January, 2025

Acceptances set out: 29 January, 2025

Confirmation of Acceptance: February, 2025

Confirmation of Visa Interview Date and Deposit: 12 February, 2025

Community Needs Assessment: 1- 30 June, 2025

In-Person Training Program: 15 - 24 July, 2025

The Entire Young Leaders Fellowship Duration: July 2025 - July 2026

How to apply

To apply you need to prepare the above documents and fill out the application form from the following link:

More Details

If you want to know more about MCW Young Leaders Fellowship, visit the MCW website from HERE

By applying for this fellowship program, you take responsibility and risks. Inform yourself about the regulation and potential risks. "Opportunity 4U" cannot be held liable for any of the potential risks, and this post is only for informative and popularising purposes.

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