Are you a strongly motivated, highly qualified and competent graduate? If your answer is yes, you landed in the right place. The European Union Agency for the Cooperation and Energy Regulations is offering a traineeship programme last between 3 to 6 months and can be extended once for for up to 6 months in its headquarter in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Trainees are provided with monthly grant, travel reimbursements, and public transportation within Ljubljana.
About ACER Traineeship Programme
The European Union Agency for the Cooperation and Energy Regulations aims to attract motivated university graduates who are interested in developing their professional skills by embarking on an professional learning opportunity. The programme creates a group of talents with first-hand experience in the European Union and on the Agency’s specific procedures. In exchange, trainees acquire technical and operational experience through their everyday work in the Agency and are able to practice the technical knowledge acquired in their studies or professional careers.
All candidates who are accepted for a traineeship must work full time, which means 40h/week.
Eligibility | Who can apply?
- University graduates with a university degree ( 3 years or more of studies);
- Traineeship candidates must hold a nationality of one of the European Union member states, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, also ACER opened its traineeship program to Ukrainian graduates.
- Traineeship candidates are also required to have a very good knowledge of at least two EU languages, one of them should be English.
Selection criteria
Applications will be assessed by taking into consideration the educational background, qualifications, competences, and motivation. In particular, the following criteria will be assessed when selecting applicants for the traineeship positions:
1) University degree in a field relevant to the traineeship positions.
2) Good written and oral command (level C1) of the English language;
Please note that, given the nature of the Agency’s tasks, its working language regime and the requirements of the service, the knowledge of the English language at level C2 is preferred for
Expenses and Benefits
- Trainees will receive a monthly grant of 1,265.36 EUR to help them covering their personal expenses such as accommodation, meals, etc.
- Trainees are entitled to receive the reimbursement of their travel expenses at the beginning and at the end of their traineeship. Trainee must complete at least 3 months to be eligible for receiving the travel reimbursement.
- All trainees are granted a monthly pass for public transport within Ljubljana.
- From the day on which the traineeship begins, trainees are covered by ACER against the risk of accident at work.
Application deadline: ongoing - There is no application deadline
Traineeship start: 1st of March or 1st of September from each year
How to apply?
For applications to be valid, applicants must submit:
1) An application Form for the Traineeship Programme (available on the ACER website),
2) A copy of the university diploma(s).
Please do not submit any other supporting documents at this stage of the procedure.
- Applications should be sent in English and by email to the following functional mailbox: quoting the reference of this call and your name and surname in the subject of the notice.
- On the application form, please clearly indicate a maximum of two profiles for which you are applying for. In order to facilitate the selection process, all communication to applicants concerning this vacancy will be in English.
More Details
for more details, check the info-letter about the ACER traineeship programme or visit the ACER traineeship webpage from HERE
By applying to this traineeship, you take responsibility and risks. Inform yourself about the regulation and potential risks. "Opportunity 4U" cannot be held liable for any of the potential risks, and this post is only for informative and popularising purposes.